My Six Weeks Diabetes Followup

I went for my six week followup appointment this morning. My labs were back and after six weeks on my meds the results are:

Blood Pressure: 114/74 down from 121/80 ~ must be the meds because I haven’t started my exercising yet. That starts next week LOL.

Triglycerides: 274 (down from 643) ~ still too high but coming down

Cholesterol: 129 (down from 268) ~ in normal range
HDL: 36 (down from 37) ~ just under normal range
LDL: 38 (unable to test last time) ~ in normal range for diabetes

Glucose: 149 (down from 277) ~ still too high, but coming down nicely

Hemoglobin A1c: 10.1 (down from 14.4) ~ on target. It’s a 90 day average so it should be fine on my next visit. Target is 7.0

Liver/Kidney Function: All great! Not being hurt by the diabetes at all!

So Doc is very pleased! He said I don’t have to come back for 3 months which is great news! I also do not have to check my blood yet! He said I can if I really want to, but he wants me to ‘learn’ my body and go by how I’m feeling. He said just watch for lows and highs… which is usually strange bouts of fatigue.

He said just keep reading up and he will send me to a 10 hour diabetes education class which will really help. He just doesn’t want to overload me while I’m still getting leveled out.

He wants me to exercise daily and to keep my caloric intake at around 1800-2000 calories/day. I’m at around 1500 right now.

So all in all I’m very happy! Things are on track and I’m slowly learning to live with this disease. I just need to keep dropping weight, start exercising and focus on staying within my levels.

I’ll update after my next visit!